I'm going to be using my Kick, so right-click on the channel and choose Clone. Let's make a clone of the channel that you want to use as the source. The setup is slightly different in this method. This effect is an internal controller that can be used to automate targets in response to the Peak Controller's volume envelope. The other way to sidechain in FL Studio is to use the Peak Controller. This form of ducking works great in EDM tracks to really get the pump from your kick. You'll find a nice middle ground of where you want it to sit. For example, a threshold set to 0, and a high ratio will give you quite a drastic sidechaining effect. Also, try using different Threshold ratio, and knee amounts.

Try with a long attack and short release, and then switch it and listen to it with a short attack and long release. To customize how this sidechain works you can tweak the attack and release times for different ducking effects.